

Teaching Interests
  • Strategic Management of Innovation and Technology, Innovation Strategy and Policy, Applied Microeconometrics
Courses Taught
  • School of Business and Technology Management / Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, KAIST
    → 2012-current Introduction to Innovation Management (Undergraduate & Graduate Level)
    → 2016-current R&D Project Management (Undergraduate Level)
    → 2009-2012 Managerial Economics, Strategic Management of High-Tech Innovation, Corporate Strategic Design Process (Graduate Level)
  • Business Economics Program, KAIST
    → 2005-2009 Principles of Economics, Introduction to Marketing (Undergraduate Level)
  • Department of Economics, New York University
    → 2004-2005 Applied Statistics and EconometricsⅠ& Ⅱ (Graduate Level)
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Strategic Innovation Management
  • 2021

    National Human Resources Development Institute (Korean Government Officers)

  • 2021

    HB Corporation

  • 2021

    National Human Resources Development Institute (Malaysian Government Officers)

  • 2019

    Universidad del Pacífico (Peru), International Week Course (Strategic Innovation Management)

  • 2017

    KAIST Academy for Future Strategy (for High Level Government Officers), KAIST

  • 2017

    Sejong Academy for Future Strategy, KAIST

  • 2015

    Hyundai Motor Company

  • 2015

    Future Management Institute of Small & Medium Enterprises

  • 2015

    Executive Education for National Future Strategy, National Congress of Korea

  • 2015

    Insper (Brazil) – Odebrecht and Braskem

  • 2014

    Hyundai Motor Company

  • 2013

    UC Berkeley-IE Business School-HKUST (Hong Kong) – Mid-Career Managers in Europe, Hong Kong, China and U.S.

  • 2012

    Insper (Brazil) – Odebrecht and Braskem

  • 2010

    SK Group, Lotte Group, Daejeon City, Korea Intellectual Property Office, KAIST Technology Start-up School

  • 2009

    Korea Technology Commercialization Association (KTCA)

  • 2008

    Samsung Electronics Ltd., Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA) of Korea, Korea Technology Foundation (KOTEF)

Economics and Management for Scientists and Engineers
  • 2010

    Korea Institute for Research and Development (KIRD)