1st AIM (Academy of Innovation Management) meeting at Yonsei Business School - 2016.5.3.
- 2016.09.16
- 14025
Uruguay UTEC, final presentation for its design - 2016.4.28.
- 2016.09.16
- 13171
Dominican Republic, Project on S&T Human Resource Development - 2016.4.28
- 2016.09.16
- 13202
Graduation: Dr. Sanghoon Lee, Ms. Yuhyun Suh - 2016.2.23
- 2016.09.16
- 13349
Lunar New Year Lunch - 2016.2.15.
- 2016.09.16
- 13225
미래전략포럼 by World Economic Forum & Graduate School of Future Strategy - 2015.12.21.
- 2016.09.15
- 11059
MSB2014 Introduction to Innovation Management - last class
- 2016.09.15
- 10720
ISPL & CMPL Year End Party - 2015.12.21.
- 2016.09.15
- 15548