About ISPL
The goal of ISPL is to advance our society through providing innovative solutions to resolve issues that are related to technological innovation of firms and nations, paradigm shifts in the global economy, as well as relevant policy development, and to enable more balanced and unbinding future to be realized earlier.
We focus on the "Strategic Management of the Dynamics of Innovation" and is to understand the role of technological, market evolution, and innovation in shaping the destinies of industries and firms, as well as nations.
We also focus on the effect of regulation on innovation and corresponding welfare of our society in order to improve our social welfare through innovation.
Therefore, we are trying
(1) to understand the evolution of technological innovation, the sources of innovation, the role of strategic innovation management in firms; especially, in high-tech industries, such as pharmaceutical, mobile and IT, and energy industry. These industries are not only unique in their technological complexity, but also in their socio-cultural and socio-economic impact on our society.
(2) to suggest strategic and socio-economic solutions to those industries and nations by promoting technological, managerial, and social innovations in order to improve the overall welfare of our society.
Advancing our society through innovation and bringing higher value to all of us is the main mission and goal of our lab.
ISPL introduction by National Research Foundation (2017.2.) of Korea (in Korean).
김대현 박사과정, AKMS scholarship 수상! Daehyun Kim was awarded a Amore-Pacitific Scholarship!
Congratulation! Daehyun Kim was awarded a Amore-Pacitific Scholarship! For details → https://sites.google.com/view/akmscholars &...
2021.11.11 -
이상훈 박사 한남대 조교수 임용! Dr. Sanghoon Lee is now joining Hannam University as an Assistant Professor!
Congratulation! Dr. Sanghoon Lee is now joining Hannam University as an Assistant Professor! ...
2018.03.02 -
최석웅 박사과정, 우수논문상 수상!
Congratulations! Sukwoong Choi was honored with Best Paper Award in 2017 Fall Conference of the Korea Society o...
2017.11.15 -
서종환 박사 경상대 교수 임용! Dr. Jong Hwan Suh is now joining Gyeonngsan National University as an Assistant Professor!
Congratulation! Senior Researcher Dr. Jong Hwan Suh is now joining Gyeonngsan National University as an Assistant ...
2017.08.31 -
Welcome New students for joining ISPL
JungBong Han, Taekyun Kim are new master students at BTM and have joined ISPL in this Spring 2016We are very pleased that you have joined our ISPL.Wel...
2016.06.07 -
Welcome 2016 Homecoming
CMPL and ISPL had homecoming event on May 14th with alumni and friends We are so grateful to see you revisiting here and had a ...
2016.06.02 -
Welcome Back, Nam Il Kim!
Namil Kim went to Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College as visiting scholar for a year and He came back to KAIST this February! Welcome Ba...
2016.04.07 -
Congratulation! Injeong Lee's graduation
We are all very congratulate on our members' graduation! Master Graduation: InJeong Lee. We all wish your brighter future! I...
2016.04.07 -
이기헌 박사 연세대 교수 임용: Dr. Kiheon Lee became an Assistant Professor at Yonsei Univ. Congratulation!
Congratulation! Senior Researcher Dr. Kiheon Lee is now joining Yonsei University as an Assistant Professor! ...
2016.09.30 -
곽기호 박사 부경대 교수 임용: Dr. Kiho Kwak became an Assistant Professor at Pukyung National Univ. Congratulation!
Congratulation! Alumni Dr. Kiho Kwak (PhD. graduate in 2015) is now joining Pukyung National University as an Assi...
2016.09.30 -
이영우 박사 대구대 교수 임용: Dr. Young-Woo Lee became an Assistant Professor at Daegu Univ. Congratulation!
Congratulation! Senior Researcher Dr. Youngwoo Lee is now joining Daegu University as an Assistant Professor! ...
2016.09.30 -
Congratulation! Dr. Sanghoon Lee for his graduation!
Our fellow and friend Sanghoon Lee received PhD and graduated! He has been an excellent researcher and thoughtful leader in our lab. We wish his s...
2016.04.07 -
Congratulation! Manho Bae and Jaehee Cha's graduation
We are all very congratulate on our members' graduation! Master Graduation:Manho BaeJaehee Cha We all wish your brighter future! ISPL member...
2015.04.03 -
Congratulation! Dr. Kiho Kwak for his graduation!
Our fellow and friend Kiho Kwak received PhD and graduated! He has been an excellent researcher and thoughtful leader in our lab. We wish his success ...
2015.04.03 -
Associate Research Fellow at STEPI - PhD Yongrae Cho
Dr. Yongrae Cho became an Associate Research Fellow at STEPI. He will work with the Vice President of STEPI related with National Innovation Policy. C...
2015.04.03 -
"Best Employee Award" received - Seung-Beom Seo (PhD candidate)
Our ISPL member, Seung-Beom Seo (PhD candidate, Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management) received "Best Employee Award" from his ...
2014.06.02 -
We are all very congratulate on our members' graduation! Ph.D Graduation:Euiseok KimYongrae Cho Master Graduation:Hyungjoon Kim Jihae Y...
2014.05.28 -
Invitation to "Innovation Week"
Professor. WonJoon Kim is invited to attend the innovation talks, which is a forum during the national event "Innovation week&qu...
2015.11.19 -
Recent New Publications
Kiho Kwak, and Wonjoon Kim*, “Effect of Service Integration Strategy on Industrial Firm Performance,” accept...
2015.11.19 -
Special lecture by Prof. Rajeshy Chandy from London Business School (LBS)
We have a special lecture by Prof. Rajeshy Chandy from London Business School (LBS)! He will present about "THE IMPACT OF BUSINESS SKILLS ON MICRO-ENT...