Sanghoon Lee
Ph.D. (2016)
(A) study on the evolutionary patterns and dynamics of firm networks in innovation ecosystem using social network analysis
Injeong Lee
Master's degree (2016)
A Comparative Study on the Network Structural Differences between Research Park and Industrial Park: In the Perspective of Triple-Helix System
Hyunsung Park
Master's degree (2016)
(The) position of countries in global value chain (GVC) and its effect on economic growth
Youhyun Suh
Master's degree (2016)
Exploring the Influence of Visual Tactile Attributes in Online Product Presentations for Improving Purchase Intention
Ph.D. (2016)
Emotional content distribution in online product reviews and its impact on search cost.
Kyeongseok Heo
Master's degree (2016)
(The) dynamics of online music industry : the effect of mobile technology on streaming and downloading
Namil Kim
Ph.D. (2016)
Studies on the dynamic patterns of industry convergence using network analysis